London City Challenge

04-10-2024 20:00 til 06-10-2024 14:00

Arrangementet er for 15-30år

FDF CrossCulture - Invites members and friends from all over the world 

From the 4th - 6th of October 2024 we will meet in London with teams from different countries to find the next winner in the series of City Challenges. So far there has not been a winning team from FDF, will that change in London?

During the weekend there will be challenges which will test your teamwork, logic, flexibility, agility and communication skills. Do not fall into the trap of thinking that this competition can be easily won by your vast experience.

​No matter the result, you will return to your home with a new adventure to tell everyone of, and you will have experiences and ideas that you can utilize at home. You will meet new people and get friendships crossing cultures and borders.

​Each edition of the City Challenge is vasty different from the last, so just because you have been to Berlin, Amsterdam or Barcelona city challenge, it does not mean you know what will happen in London. We have a new planning team including people from FDF's play committee who will learn from the experiences in Berlin, Barcelona and Amsterdam to make this the best city challenge yet!

Hvad inkludere prisen for deltagere der er medlem af FDF: 

o   Ophold og forplejning i London

o   Deltagerne tegner egen rejseforsikring 

o   Deltagerne medbringer blåt sygesikringsbevis

o   Deltagerne betaler vacciner og medicin

Discover more


Pris: 1.200,00


9 tilmeldinger



Which organisation are you from? *

Group name *

Team leaders name *

(Team member 1)

Team leader's gender *

(Team member 1)

Team leaders email *

(Team member 1)

Team leaders date of birth *

(Team member 1)

Health and Travel *

Where are you located

Does anyone in the team have any allergies or special food requirements (vegan/vegetarian/halal etc)? *

Contact person in your local group during the event *

Please provide name, function and telephone number (Only used in case of emergency)

Anything else we should know? *

Jeg accepterer tilmeldingsbetingelser for dette arrangement


Boys Brigade - International Samarbejdspartner -



Fra 04-10-2024 20:00
Til 06-10-2024 14:00


Frivilligt Drenge- og Pige-Forbund, FDF
FDF Internationalt Forum / Adric (